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Why do we have day and night?

Why do we have day and night

Day and night are caused by the Earth rotating on its axis. When a part of the Earth faces the sun, it experiences daylight, and when it turns away, it experiences nighttime.



1. How long does it take for the Earth to complete one rotation on its axis?

A) 24 hours
B) 365 days
C) 12 hours
D) 48 hours

Answer: A) 24 hours

Explanation: It takes approximately 24 hours for the Earth to complete one full rotation on its axis, leading to the cycle of day and night.

2. What would happen if the Earth stopped rotating on its axis?

A) There would be constant daylight
B) The seasons would disappear
C) One side of the Earth would always be the day, and the other always night
D) The Earth would fall into the sun

Answer: C) One side of the Earth would always be the day, and the other always night

Explanation: If the Earth stopped rotating, one half would continuously face the sun, experiencing perpetual daylight, while the other half would remain in constant darkness.

3. Which of the following is NOT the result of the Earth’s rotation?

A) The change of seasons
B) The cycle of day and night
C) The occurrence of time zones
D) The phases of the moon

Answer: D) The phases of the moon

Explanation: The phases of the moon are caused by the moon’s orbit around the Earth and the sunlight reflecting off its surface, not by the Earth’s rotation.

4. What is the term for the imaginary line that the Earth rotates around?

A) Equator
B) Axis
C) Orbit
D) Hemisphere

Answer: B) Axis

Explanation: The Earth rotates around an imaginary line called its axis, which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole.


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