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Why Do I Need Plants to Breathe?

In general, food, water and shelter are defined as our most basic needs. Apart from these three, there is one more thing without which no human can survive and that is known as air. Why is air required? It is essential for breathing. Do you know what breathing is?

In simple terms breathing is a process through which we take air or oxygen inside our body (inhale) and expel air or carbon dioxide (exhale) from our body.

Now, the main question is how plants are related to our breathing?

There is a system inside the human body that is responsible for carrying out the entire process of respiration termed the respiratory system.

What is respiration?

Respiration is the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen within our body.

Have you ever wondered why is oxygen so important for our body? What is its role in human development?

     Well, oxygen is used by our body to produce energy to meet up all our demands. Each and every cell of the human body need oxygen to get some energy. And carbon dioxide is the waste product of the respiratory cycle as it is toxic to the body. Therefore, it is removed from the body.

What is the role of carbon dioxide in plants?

Now, it is important to note that plants also respire and like humans, they take up oxygen and release carbon dioxide. However, plants only carry out respiration during the night.

Now let us get to know the organs of the respiratory system in humans along with their main functions:


Fun Facts:


True or False:

  1. Plants help us by giving out oxygen for respiration.
  2. Inhalation means taking the air inside the body through the nose.
  3. The heart is the main organ of respiration.
  4. Oxygen is used by each and every cell of the human body to produce energy.
  5. Photosynthesis is the name of a process that takes place in humans.

Objective Quiz:

  1. _________ means expelling the air out through nose.
    1. Inhalation.
    2. Exhalation.
    3. Breathing.
    4. None of the above.
  2. The chief organ for respiratory system is ________.
    1. Heart.
    2. Lungs.
    3. Kidney.
    4. Eyes.
  3. __________ is the main muscle of respiration.
    1. Diaphragm.
    2. Deltoid.
    3. Gluteus Maximus.
    4. All of the above.
  4. _________ is also known as voice box.
    1. Larynx.
    2. Pharynx.
    3. Trachea.
    4. Mouth.
  5. During exhalation _________ is exhaled out through nose.
    1. Oxygen.
    2. Carbon dioxide.
    3. Water.
    4. Iron.
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