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When did people build the first houses?


Why people needed houses to stay?

Fun Facts:

  1. They had a place under their houses to bury dead people.
  2. The used animal skins to make clothes.
  3. Their houses had a hatch over the rooftop because there was road in between houses to prevent any attacks.

Additional Questions:

  1. Who were caveman?
  2. What was the need for humans to build a house?
  3. What is farming?

True or False:

  1. The people of stone age period were habituated with living in buildings.
  2. Cavemen were known to live in caves.
  3. Early stone age periods humans did not know about farming.
  4. For the purpose of farming, they needed a shelter to stay for a long time.
  5. There were no houses till 100 years ago.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Stone age period humans were known to live in _______.
    1. Caves.
    2. Buildings.
    3. Roads.
    4. Hotels.
  2. By the end of the stone age period, humans started learning __________.
    1. Farming.
    2. Shipping.
    3. Swimming.
    4. None of the above.
  3. The first house was made about __________.
    1. 12000 years ago.
    2. 12000 years after.
    3. 1200 years ago.
    4. 1200 years after.
  4. Humans living in caves were known as _________.
    1. Caveman.
    2. Cave people.
    3. Cave human.
    4. All of the above.
  5. By joining one house to another, soon it became a __________.
    1. Town.
    2. City.
    3. State.
    4. Nation.
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