What was a gladiator?

According to ancient Rome, gladiator was a person trained to fight with weapons.



  • In Latin, Gladiator word stands for swordsman, as gladius mean sword.
  • Gladiators were used to entertain people in Roman Empire by fighting against other gladiators, wild animals or some condemned criminals.
  • Gladiators were supposed to encounter the violence fight, sometimes even losing their lives in the game while entertaining a group of people.
  • Some gladiators were slaves, trained in very harsh condition to survive the fights.
  • Other gladiators used to fight for the social achievement.
  • Sometimes, the criminal can get a free life by achieving the positive result through gladiator fight.
  • Just like normal crowd, gladiators also included people from different caste.
  • The identification of them was done by their clothes as well as their equipment used to fight.
  • The earliest gladiator in roman field were Samnite.
  • They would fight with a short sword along with rectangular shield, greave and plumed helmet.
  • Apart from this, there were other types of gladiators also who fought with their own different kind of equipment and different armour shields.
  • Some gladiators even fought without any proper shield or equipment and just fought in tunic.
  • The practice of gladiator stayed in Rome for about a thousand years.
  • Sometimes, gladiators used to fight at theatres for the entertainment purpose of people.

Fun Facts:

  1. Gladiators fighting against wild animals, included animal such as lion.
  2. Women’s were also the part of gladiator practice.
  3. For a man to fight as a gladiator, his height and strength would determine what kind of gladiator he would become as well as the equipment he will use.

Additional Questions:

  1. Explain roman culture.
  2. What does gladiator mean?
  3. Explain the importance of roman culture in history.

True or False:

  1. Gladiators were human who could not fight.
  2. Fighting against wild animals is not considered in gladiators rule.
  3. Gladiator word stands for swordsman in Latin.
  4. Gladiators could fight against human as well as wild animals.
  5. Gladiators were trained to fight for the entertainment purpose of people.

Objective Quiz:

  1. Gladiator was a person trained to fight with ________.
    1. Swords.
    2. Words.
    3. Gun.
    4. None of the above.
  2. In Latin, gladius word stands for __________.
    1. Sword.
    2. Gun.
    3. Bomb.
    4. Hand.
  3. Gladiators were trained to fight against, ___________.
    1. Other gladiators.
    2. Wild animals.
    3. Criminals.
    4. All of the above.
  4. The practice of gladiator stayed in Rome for about ________.
    1. Thousand years.
    2. Lakh years.
    3. One year.
    4. All of the above.
  5. The earliest gladiator in roman field were __________.
    1. Samnite.
    2. Saint.
    3. Smeth.
    4. None of the above.

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