Valentine’s Day Worksheets & Free Printables for Preschool & Kindergarten

Check out these valentine special free printable worksheets for kids. Both preschoolers and kindergarteners can use these creative and colorful worksheets to add fun to this special day.

Valentine’s Day is famously celebrated on 14 February of every year. The day is celebrated by exchanging and gifting essence such as candies, flowers and more. Let’s dig in deeper and know the origin of the Valentine’s Day.


Origin of Valentine’s Day

It is believed that Valentine’s Day is celebrated to honor the anniversary of Valentine’s death which was believed to have occurred around A.D 270. On the other hand there are different assumptions that Christian church may have decided to place St. Valentine’s Day in mid February so that they can ‘Christianize’ the celebration of Lupercalia. Lupercalia is a festival that was dedicated to Faunus, a roman
god of agriculture.

Talking about Lupercalia, the festival is celebrated where the Roman priests would gather in a cave where the infants of the founder of Rome were believed to be cared for by the she-wolf or we can say lupa.

These are all that is needed to be covered to teach your kid all about Valentine’s Day and ways that you can use to celebrate with them. Now that you have all the data that you need to celebrate the day, you are all set to make the day memorable

Valentine’s Day Worksheets for Kids

Word Scramble

Circle word in the puzzle below

Unscramble the Valentine’s day words.

I can spend love by….

Add and Color

Valentine Alphabet

Help Cupid put the hearts

Valentine Letter Matching

Valentine Cupcakes

Write Valentine Message inside the heart

Valentine’s Day Writing Printable


Hope you liked these Valentine’s Day worksheets and free printables for preschoolers and kindergarteners.

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