Similar Words Different Meanings

Similar words Different meanings

Similar words Different meanings are an exploration of the different connotations that certain words can have, even when the words themselves are very similar. It looks into the various ways in which the same words can have different implications depending on context, and how people can use language to shape the meaning of words.

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Same Words With Different Meanings

Read More: Common Confusing English Words with Meaning

Militate – Mitigate

Militate - Mitigate - Similar words Different meanings

  • Militate –  Powerful factor in prevention
  • Mitigate – Make less severe

Palate – Palette

Palate - Palette - Similar words Different meanings

  • Palate – Roof of the mouth
  • Palette – Board for mixing colors

Pour – Pore

Pour - Pore - Similar words Different meanings

  • Pour – Flow or transfer a liquid
  • Pore – Tiny opening or study intently

Practice – Practise

Practice - Practise - Similar words Different meanings

  • Practice – Performance of an activity or skill
  • Practise – Gain skill by repetition

Prescribe – Proscribe

Prescribe - Proscribe - Similar words Different meanings

  • Prescribe – To recommend
  • Proscribe – Officially forbid something

Principal – Principle

Principal - Principle - Similar words Different meanings

  • Principal – Head of  school or most important
  • Principle – Fundamental rule or belief

Stationary – Stationery

Stationary - Stationery - Similar words Different meanings

  • Stationary – Not moving
  • Stationary – Writing materials

Storey – Story

Storey - Story  - Similar words Different meanings

  • Storey – Flore of a building
  • Story – Tale or Account

Than – Then

Than - Then - Similar words Different meanings

  • Than – Introduce an element for comparison
  • Then –   At that time

There – Their

There - Their - Similar words Different meanings

  • There – In, at, or to that place or position
  • Their – Belongs to or associated

To – Too

To - Too - Similar words Different meanings

  • To – Express motion or in the direction of
  • Too – In addition or to a higher degree

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