Synonyms Words – Same Word Many Slang

Diversify your vocabulary by learning some synonyms! This article consists of a list of some OTHER WAYS TO SAY common phrases. The daily phrases we use can give a variety to them as well which are listed in this article as fun and eye-catching flash cards! Read them aloud to have a learning time anywhere! They are free printables so you can print them out as well. This article will lead your kiddos to learn in their free time as they will definitely have fun while reading through these flashcards and can even have a quiz through them!


Other Ways To Say Some Common Phrases

Read More: Alphabet Activity Book for 2 to 5-Year-Old Kids

Common Phrases Synonyms – Book Cover

Common Phrases Synonyms - Book Cover 

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You’re WelcomeYou're welcome - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • It’s my pleasure
  • Don’t mention it
  • You got it
  • Not at all
  • Anytime
  • No worries
  • I’m happy to help

This ShowsThis Shows - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • This demonstrates
  • This illustrates
  • This indicates
  • This proves
  • This displays
  • This portrays
  • This describes

Take Care!Take Care! - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Be careful
  • Go easy on yourself!
  • Stay out of trouble!
  • Put yourself first
  • Go steady
  • All the best!
  • Be cautious

StupidStupid - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Dumb
  • Dope
  • Fool
  • Brainless
  • Idiot
  • Moron
  • Silly

I WantI Want - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I could really do with
  • I feel like
  • I’m in the mood for
  • I really fancy
  • I’d kill for
  • I’m dying for
  • I’m up for

I Will Support YouI Will Support You - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I’m here for you.
  • I’m still cheering for you.
  • I’m behind you 100%.
  • You can always count on me.
  • I’ve got your back.
  • Count on my support.
  • Lean on me if you need to.

Let Me KnowLet Me Know - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Keep me posted.
  • Keep me updated.
  • Keep me in the loop.
  • Keep me informed.
  • Get back to me.
  • Enlighten me.
  • Notify me.

Stop It!

  • Leave it out
  • Give it a rest
  • Pack it in
  • Cut it/that out
  • Hold it
  • Knock it off
  • Drop it

LazyLazy - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Bone idle
  • Slow
  • Inert
  • Shiftless
  • Workshy
  • Sluggish
  • Inactive

It’s DifficultIt's Difficult - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • It’s a bit tricky.
  • It’s challenging.
  • It isn’t a walk in the park.
  • It’s quite hard going.
  • It’s daunting.
  • It’s tough.
  • It seems arduous.

It’s GreatIt's Great - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Brilliant!
  • Way to go.
  • That’s the way.
  • That’s the best ever.
  • Cherry on top!
  • Marvelous!

Give My Regards

  • Send [someone] my best.
  • My best to [someone].
  • Send [someone] my greetings.
  • Congratulate [someone] from me!
  • All the best to [someone].
  • Send [someone] my compliments.

Happy Birthday!Happy Birthday! - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Have a fabulous birthday!
  • I hope you have a fantastic day.
  • May your birthday be filled with laughter!
  • All the best on your special day!
  • Many happy returns of the day!
  • Have a great one!

HelloHello - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Hi there
  • Howdy
  • Greetings
  • Hey, What’s up?
  • Morning/afternoon/evening
  • What’s going on?
  • How are things?

How Are You?

  • How are you doing?
  • How are things?
  • What’s up?
  • What’s new?
  • How is it going?
  • How have you been?
  • What is going on?

I LikeI Like - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I’m really into
  • I’m a big fan of
  • I’m fond of
  • I’m big on
  • I’m passionate about
  • I’m keen on
  • I’m crazy about

 I Agree I Agree - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Agree.
  • Absolutely!
  • Affirmative.
  • We are of one mind.
  • No doubt about it.
  • Our thoughts are parallel.
  • Definitely.

I’m BusyI'm Busy - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I’m up to my neck.
  • I’ve lots to do.
  • I’m swamped.
  • I’m tied up.
  • I’m juggling a lot right now.
  • Buried with work.
  • I’m up to my ears.

I’m FineI'm Fine - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I’m Great!
  • Doing really well!
  • Couldn’t be better!
  • Can’t complain.
  • Never better!
  • I’m A-Okay!
  • Peachy!

I’m HungryI'm Hungry - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I’m starving.
  • I’m famished.
  • My stomach is growling.
  • I’m hungry as a wolf.
  • I can eat a whole cow!
  • I’ve got the munchies.
  • I have an appetite.

I’m SorryI'm Sorry - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I sincerely apologize.
  • I owe you an apology.
  • My bad.
  • I had that wrong.
  • Excuse me.
  • It’s all my fault.
  • Pardon me.

I’m TiredI'm Tired - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I’m exhausted.
  • I’m beaten.
  • I am drained.
  • I am fatigued.
  • I’m wiped out.
  • I’m worn out.
  • I’m weary.

It’s BoringIt's Boring - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • I dislike it.
  • That’s not for me.
  • It’s dull.
  • It’s not my cup of tea.
  • I was dying of boredom.
  • It’s like watching grass grow.
  • It bores me to tears.

For ExampleFor Example - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • For instance
  • To give you an idea
  • As proof
  • To illustrate
  • Imagine
  • Let’s say
  • In particular


  • Carry Out
  • Execute
  • Perform
  • Discharge
  • Accomplish
  • Undertake

Do It!Do It! - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Give it a try!
  • Go for it!
  • You can do this!
  • What are you waiting for?
  • What do you have to lose?
  • It’s worth a shot!
  • Dig in.

Calm DownCalm Down - Synonyms Words - Same Word Many Slang

  • Relax.
  • Give it a rest!
  • Cool down.
  • Take it easy.
  • Take a deep breath.
  • Steady on!
  • Chill out!

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