Regrouping with Base 10 blocks Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Hey there viewers! Since we assume your kid has had enough practice with counting with our worksheets, we bring to you this worksheet with exercises to learn how to regroup. In mathematics, regrouping is the process of making groups of tens when carrying out operations like addition and subtraction with two-digit numbers or larger. While this is a relatively easy exercise, students must know some basic concepts before attempting the questions.

One such concept is that of place values.  It is necessary that students know the place values before attempting to regroup numbers. Place value refers to the value a digit has within a number. It is an important concept to learn as it enables us to perceive and understand the magnitude of any given number. It is only when a student knows this that they can learn how to regroup which is essential for them to learn as it is required in two-digit and higher subtraction and addition.

Base 10 Block Regrouping Practice

In the following exercise, students have to create groups of 10 by drawing loops around the set of 10 blocks and then redraw the blocks in sets of ten. They’ll also need to write the number of blocks afterward. The worksheet is meant for first graders. Keep in mind that while this must be an easy exercise for you, some students might need your help to solve the problems. Be sure to guide them and ensure that they understand what needs to be done. Refer to the first sheet to guide them.

Regrouping with Base 10 blocks Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Regrouping with Base 10 blocks Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Regrouping with Base 10 blocks Printable Worksheets for Grade 1Regrouping with Base 10 blocks Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Regrouping with Base 10 blocks Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Download the worksheet, print and distribute it among your students to get started with the exercises. You can use these at schools or during your homeschooling sessions during this pandemic. If you are to use these at school be sure to ask the kids to write their name, the date, section, and the teacher’s name in the space provided to stay organized. Be sure to guide the student if he is having trouble doing the exercise.

Download the worksheet and get started with the exercise today. If you need other worksheets to assess your students in an easy manner, you can always browse for them on our website. Visit and browse through several unique worksheets, flashcards, coloring books curated with extreme attention to maximize your student’s knowledge, on our website where we upload such contents daily.  What are you waiting for then? Visit, browse, and download to get started with smart teaching!

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