Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Grammar provides strength to your kid’s English, the more they practice it the more they will get better at it. But it can be tricky if you mess up some rules. To make your kids grip strong on the basic rules we are presenting this possessive noun worksheet. Possessive noun comprises a very strong position as starting of grammar. The worksheet will help your kids to understand it and solve the given questions. We know that kids can get bored with doing the same type of questions. That’s why these worksheets have an exciting activity that makes sure your kids enjoy the learning process. The worksheet is filled with interesting questions which will help your kids to learn about possessive nouns effortlessly.

Possessive Nouns Practice Worksheet

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

In the given worksheet, first, we have started with the definition of possessive nouns. It is given in a very simple way so it will be easier for your kids to read and understand. A possessive noun is defined refers to a noun that shows ownership. make your kids read it 2-3 times so they clearly understand what it is and ask them to explain it to you. If they get confused please help them out. Next, there is an example of a possessive noun and picture that correctly defines it. Now below you have an activity to match the following. There are possessive nouns and pictures your kids have to match possessive bound to their correct picture. Make your kids read the possessive noun first ask them what does it means and then go further with matching it with the correct picture.

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Now in this worksheet your kids have got another fun activity to strengthen their concepts. As in the first worksheet, they learned the basics now it’s time to start changing sentences in possessive nouns. In the given activity there are sentences given about each picture. Kids have to change these sentences to possessive nouns with reference to pictures. The first question is solved as an example. Do all the questions in the same manner.

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Now in the above-given worksheet there is a new activity on the same topic. It’s a multiple-choice question. Each sentence in these questions contains a possessive noun. Below it, you have been given options. Out of all the options you have to identify the correct possessive noun and color the box in front of it. The first question is solved as an example. Do the others following the same way. The activity will help your kids with the recognition of possessive nouns.

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

The above-given activity is based on identifying the possessive noun. There are sentences in each question. Your kids have to read out the sentences and find the possessive noun in it and circle it. Practicing these questions more and more will help them in knowing what is a possessive noun.  The pictures inside will help them to get a better understanding of what the sentences suggest.

Possessive Nouns Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

These worksheets are filled with activities of a different kind. It will make sure that learning this topic does not become monotonous to them. And they can understand topics from every perspective. From recognizing, identifying to changing, and practicing how to use them. You can give kids more and more examples to help them with this topic. All these exercises will surely improve their grammar for further topics, print these pages for future revisions.

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