Phonic Match Worksheets for Kids

Learning how to pronounce words correctly is a crucial step in a child’s learning journey. As children grow up, they need the necessary tools to express themselves to people around them. A key part of that is verbal communication and this is where the importance of pronunciations come in. While children easily know how to talk and interact in their mother tongue, the case is not the same when it comes to their second language which is usually English. Guidance and instruction are necessary when learning how to pronounce words. Encourage children to sound out each word loudly and slowly, associating each letter with its corresponding sound. Applying the already existing sound-letter relationships to pronounce a word is known as decoding the word and is the foundation of pronunciation.

The following set of worksheets primarily focus on identifying the correct starting letter of a word from a group of images. There is a worksheet for every letter of the alphabet providing a full workbook for children to practice their words and pronunciations.

So, let’s get started!

Phonic Match Worksheets for Kids

This is the first worksheet for the letter ‘a’. Various familiar objects have been depicted in the worksheet giving children a sense of familiarity.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘b’. The task is to simply identify the image corresponding to the word whose first letter is ‘b’ and match the letter to that image. Make sure to carefully look over each image, more than one word may start with the same letter.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘c’. Try sounding out each word out loud to identify the correct word.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘d’. Bright and colourful picture piques children’s interest and keeps them motivated during their tasks.





This is the worksheet for the letter ‘e’. Animals are an interesting topic for children and worksheets like this are always fun and exciting for them to solve.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘g’.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘h’.



This is the worksheet for the letter ‘i’. Remember, more than one word begins with the same letter; if your child does not know always know all the words, use it as an opportunity to teach them something new!

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘j’.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘k’.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘l’.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘m’.



This is the worksheet for the letter ‘n’. Now, we move into more detail as there are three words that begin with the same letter.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘o’. Although the words begin with the same letter, the sound is not always the same. That might make it difficult for children to understand but with time and practice, they will a better grasp of the concept.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘p’.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘q’. Words that start with the letter ‘q’ are difficult to pronounce and so it important to guide young learners through the challenging words.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘r’.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘s’.



This is the worksheet for the letter ‘t’.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘u’. This activity is a great way for children to learn new words and expand their vocabulary along the way.


This is the worksheet for the letter ‘v’. While words with the letter ‘v’ are not very common, some simple examples have been depicted here to help children understand easily.



This is the worksheet for the letter ‘w’.

This is the worksheet for the letter ‘x’.



This is the worksheet for the letter ‘y’.

This is the last and final worksheet for the letter ‘z’.


Use these worksheets to help young learners work on their pronunciation skills and improve daily.

Download, print and get started today!

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