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Informal Contractions

Informal contractions are the words that we shorten to speak up casually or informally, they further allow us to speak faster! You should definitely learn them to improve fluency in your speaking and communication! They are a  little like slang but not completely. But remember, they are informal so they cannot be used in writing or when you are having formal communication. Learn them to sound like a native American. Check out some easy informal contractions listed below!

Learn Informal Contractions

Read More: Compound Words: Learn to Read (Book)

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Am Not/Is Not/Are Not: Ain’t

Come On: C’mon

I Don’t Know: Dunno

Do You?: D’you?

Going To: Gonna

Have Got To: Gotta

Have To: Hafta

I’m Going To: I’mma

Lot Of: Lotta

Might Have: Mighta

Must Have: Musta

Out Of: Outta

Some More: S’more

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