How do plants and animals adapt to their environments?

How do plants and animals adapt to their environments

The main reason plants and animals adapt to their environments is to ensure their survival and successful reproduction within their specific habitats.



1. Which of the following is an example of a physical adaptation in animals?

A. Migration
B. Camouflage
C. Hibernation
D. Photosynthesis

2. How do plants typically adapt to areas with little water?

A. By developing deeper root systems
B. By growing larger leaves
C. By moving to shaded areas
D. By producing more flowers

3. Which adaptation helps animals in cold environments conserve heat?

A. Growing longer fur
B. Shedding fur frequently
C. Decreasing body size
D. Increasing water consumption

4. What is behavioral adaptation in animals?

A. Changes in body structure
B. Changes in how an animal acts
C. Changes in the color of the animal
D. Changes in the animal’s diet

5. Which of the following is a plant adaptation to avoid being eaten by herbivores?

A. Developing tasty fruits
B. Growing towards the light
C. Producing toxins or thorns
D. Increasing root depth


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