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How do ants communicate?

How do ants communicate

Ants communicate primarily through chemicals called pheromones. They release these pheromones to send various signals to other ants, such as directions to food sources or alerts about danger.



1. What are the chemical messages that ants use to communicate called?

A) Hormones
B) Pheromones
C) Antennae
D) Signals

Answer: B) Pheromones

Explanation: Pheromones are the chemical substances ants release to send messages to each other. Each pheromone has a different meaning, acting like a chemical language.


2. When an ant finds food, how does it communicate the location to other ants?

A) By leading them directly to it
B) By making loud noises
C) By leaving a pheromone trail
D) By dancing

Answer: C) By leaving a pheromone trail

Explanation: Ants leave a trail of pheromones from the food source back to their nest to communicate the location to other ants. Other ants follow this scent trail to the food.


3. What role do an ant’s antennae play in communication?

A) They help the ants see better
B) They are used for digging
C) They pick up pheromones
D) They make sounds

Answer: C) They pick up pheromones

Explanation: Antennae are sensory organs that help ants pick up pheromones in the environment, allowing them to sense messages and navigate the world around them.


4. How do ants alert others of danger?

A) By jumping up and down
B) By releasing specific danger pheromones
C) By hiding
D) By making a loud noise

Answer: B) By releasing specific danger pheromones

Explanation: When an ant senses danger, it releases a specific type of pheromone that warns other ants. This helps the colony to react quickly to threats.


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