Essay: Children’s day (500 Words)

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Children’s Day is set to take place on November 14 in honor of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, popularly known as Chacha Nehru, who was born on that day. He was India’s first free prime minister and had a soft spot in his heart for kids. In addition to being an excellent politician, he was also a beautiful person. After putting in so much effort to improve Indian education, he envisioned a nation where education was the cornerstone of the path to prosperity. Therefore, Children’s Day should be observed on his birthday.

This day commemorates the birth of a great politician and leader and the future of our nation, whose leadership we look forward to guiding the nation toward further prosperity. Nehru Ji had a great affection for kids and believed they would be the ones to build the future country. We all have a responsibility to shape these kids’ futures in a better way if we want to protect our own. Our nation started to observe his birthday as Children’s Day as a token of his devotion to kids. The primary focus of this day is to raise awareness among all Indian residents about the importance of granting children the right to an education. Since Jawaharlal Nehru once said that a nation’s wealth is not kept in a repository but rather in its schools, we should see our children as the nation’s wealth, safeguard them, and invest in their future.

There are several ways to observe Children’s Day. Events are planned, particularly in schools, to celebrate Children’s Day, and various contests are held. Children are taught about their rights and obligations at this festival. Small children are welcomed during picnics and a variety of sporting events. Children’s Day is devoted to the welfare of children, but India still has a lot of care to provide. Due to the Force Labor Act law, children are no longer subject to child labor, but we haven’t yet identified how they develop. Not just the government, but each and every one of us has a moral responsibility to stop the children’s fate. Many non-governmental charitable organizations are also working to support children’s growth. Children’s Day shouldn’t be limited to cultural activities and rituals; instead, we should make an effort to do something in favor of the children who are struggling with life’s challenges.

We need a national children’s Day so that not just the schools but every youngster in society may acknowledge their participation in this country. Children’s Day is a unique holiday celebrated to raise awareness of the rights of our country’s future generations. In a growing country like India, where child labor and child benefit abuse are commonplace, their worth grows due to the country’s rising income. As a result, not only the kids but also their parents need to be fully informed about the fundamental rights of kids and work to raise their level of awareness.

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