Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

Are you looking to improve your English language skills? Here, you will learn important daily vocabulary and conversation that can be used in many situations. This article will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your understanding of the English language.

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Everyday Use Of  Vocabulary and Conversation

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Eat Idioms

Eat Idioms - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • eat like a horse (eat large quantities)
  • eat your fill (eat until one is full)
  • safe to eat (free from germs and toxins)
  • eat dirt(insult: be humiliated)
  • eat, drink and be merry(make the most of life)
  • dog – eat – dog (merciless)
  • eat crow (be forced to admit error)
  • a bite to eat (snack)

Good Bye

Good Bye - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • have a nice day
  • all right then
  • see you later
  • so long
  • I’m off
  • bye
  • ciao

Green Idioms

Green Idioms - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • green with envy(envious)
  • green as grass(green)
  • the greens(green political party)
  • have green fingers(be skilled at gardening)
  • mother heaven(overprotective mother)
  • greenhouse(glass building for growing plants)
  • greens(leafy vegetables)
  • green card(US residence permit)

I Agree

I Agree - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • agree
  • agreed
  • for sure
  • that’s right
  • no doubt about it
  • absolutely
  • of course
  • certainly

Mother Collocations

Mother Collocations - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • everyone and their mother(most people)
  • mother’s milk(nourishment)
  • keep mum(be silent)
  • mums the word(it’s a secret)
  • mother hen(overprotective mother)
  • mother tongue(native language)
  • mother wit(common sense)
  • mother superior(head nun)

On The Phone

On The Phone - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • Hi, it’s…. here
  • could I speak to…?
  • just a minute
  • who is it?
  • OK, wait a moment, please
  • I can’t hear you very well
  • can I leave a message?
  • bye


Recycling - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • to recycle( to treat or process so as to make suitable for reuse)
  • biodegradable(capable of decaying through the action of living organism)
  • waste (garbage or reuse)
  • eco – friendly(having a beneficial effect on the environment)
  • rubbish bin(receptacle for waste)
  • zero waste(not sending any waste to a landfill)
  • pollution(the introduction of harmful substances products into the environment)
  • chemical( a substances produced by or used in chemistry)


Sleep - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • doze
  • snooze
  • repose
  • nap
  • shuteye
  • catnap
  • z’s
  • rest

Ways Of Drinking

Ways Of Drinking - Important Daily Vocabulary and Conversation

  • drink(to take liquid by mouth)
  • gulp(to take a large swallow)
  • quaff(to take  in large gulps)
  • get drunk(to drink until intoxicated)
  • go on a spree(to drink alcohol excessively)
  • tipple(to drink alcohol habitually)
  • booze( to get a drink)
  • imbibe (to drink)

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