Daily Life Vocabulary

Daily Life Vocabulary (1)

Welcome to the exciting journey of learning Daily Life Vocabulary! This article provides useful words to help improve your everyday vocabulary. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced learner, this guide will help you increase your knowledge of everyday language. Read on to get started!

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Learn Daily Life Vocabulary

Read More: Common Mistakes in English-Speaking

Daily Life Vocabulary - 1

  • Comb
  • Hair Brush
  • Scissors
  • Hair Clipper
  • Blow Dryer
  • Napkin

Daily Life Vocabulary - 2

  • Nail cutter
  • Pacifier
  • Ladder
  • Net
  • needle
  • Lace

Daily Life Vocabulary - 3

  • Leaf
  • Spoon
  • Wellies
  • Vase
  • Hose
  • Letter

Daily Life Vocabulary - 4

  • Gloves
  • Buckets
  • Cane
  • Crutches
  • Stretcher
  • Commode

Daily Life Vocabulary - 5

  • Powder
  • Clock
  • Lamp
  • Toys
  • Dressing Table

Daily Life Vocabulary - 6

  • Door
  • Book Shelves
  • Study table
  • Window

Daily Life Vocabulary - 7

  • Door
  • Cupboard
  • Sofa
  • Television

Daily Life Vocabulary - 8

  • Bed
  • Chair
  • Mirror
  • Dining Table

Daily Life Vocabulary - 9

  • Night Lamp
  • Chair
  • Met
  • Radio

Daily Life Vocabulary - 10

  • Torch
  • Dustbin
  • Cardboard Box
  • Watering Can

Daily Life Vocabulary - 11

  • Vacuuming
  • Mopping
  • Hanging
  • Doing Laundry

Daily Life Vocabulary - 12

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