Counting Objects Free Printable Worksheets for Kindergarten

Lets Count The Photos And Circle The Number Below.

Kids enjoy exercises with pictures so here are some exercises with pictures to make them understand counting and enjoy leaning along with studying.

Counting Objects Free Printable Worksheets

This is the 1st worksheet of the article in which a kid has to count the objects and circle the number. A kid of age 3 and above can easily perform this activity and will enjoy doing it. This worksheet is appropriate for beginners kids who are in nursery or pre-nursery.

Kindergarten kids can use these worksheets to practice counting in easy way. Kids just need to make their favourite shape Circle around the right number. 

The third worksheet is also of the same concept counting and circling. More exercises will make kids learn fast and easily. Variety of pictures attracts more of their attention. This worksheet is appropriate for beginner kids who are in nursery or pre-nursery and these worksheets even help teachers to give exercises to their students.

This is the fourth worksheet for the same concept in which you can see the growth and how your kid understands. It will help you both spending time together also. A parent presence along with their child is the most that matter to the kid. These worksheet are easy to understand for the kid.

The above mentioned worksheet shows the concept of counting and circling. It also helps in assisting the kids and guiding them how to do the worksheet. Leaning and Parenting becomes easy with these worksheets.

The next worksheet come with more pictures and the counting varies from 0 to 10 numbers. It will help your kid to learn the first 10 numbers of counting and understand easily.

The next worksheet includes the same concept but with different pictures. Pictures help a kid to understand more easily than from notes. These worksheets can be done by a kid with age of 3 or above.

The next worksheets includes the pictures which a kid sees easily in his/her daily life and can identify the object and also can count them easily. The concept aim is to help kids learn counting.

This worksheet includes the same concept but till this worksheet the kid will be habitual with counting pictures and circling the number concept. The kid would also want to do more of these exercises as pictures are attractive and easy to understand.

This is the last worksheet for the concept of counting and circling the numbers and now your kid can do these worksheets on their by just showing them. As they would see the pictures and know what to do next.

These all the worksheets for the concept of counting and which will help you to make your kid understand. Now you have the worksheets which will help in making your kid understand counting.

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