A-Z Sentence Writing For Kids

The learning cycle of a kid starts with the alphabet, then words, then sentences, and so on. In this article, we will cover these first 3 steps of their English learning, proficiently! This contains a book of flashcards of each alphabet with that alphabetical word in a sentence! In this way, you can teach kids the alphabet, words, and sentences easily. Moreover, these flashcards have a unique design that will attract the kids to learn through them willingly! The alphabetical words are highlighted in the sentences to distinguish them and to move step-by-step in their learning process!


Learn A-Z Sentence Writing

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A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids-Book Cover

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Aa Sentences

Aa Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • I see an ape.
  • I use an axe.
  • I buy an arrow.
  • I saw an ant.
  • I play with an airplane.
  • I eat an apple.

Bb Sentences

Bb Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • She rides a bus.
  • She eats a soft bun.
  • She buys a bag.
  • She saw a bat.
  • She likes the baby.
  • She loves cute birds.

Cc Sentences

Cc Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • He feeds the cow.
  • He pets the cat.
  • He buys the cup.
  • He saw a cow.
  • He drives his car.
  • He goes camping.

Dd Sentences

Dd Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • We love Dad.
  • We fixed the door.
  • We throw dice.
  • We play the drum.
  • We feed the duck.
  • We like deer.

Ee Sentences

Ee Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • The hen lays the egg.
  • I like eel soup.
  • You eat chocolate.
  • Elephant baby is big.
  • Earth is oval.
  • This is my ear.

Ff Sentences

Ff Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • This is a fat man.
  • This is a ferry.
  • This is a high flat.
  • This is number five.
  • The chef cooks food.
  • This is a small fan.

Gg Sentences

Gg Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • The shop sells gas.
  • The shop sells toy guns.
  • The shop sells glue.
  • The shop sells gorilla dolls.
  • The shop sells fake gum.
  • The shop sells gowns.

Hh Sentences

Hh Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • Try my hat.
  • Shake my hand.
  • Come to my house.
  • Ride my horse.
  • Rent my hut.
  • It is a very hot day.

Ii Sentences

Ii Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • I use blue ink.
  • He is ill today.
  • We live in an igloo.
  • One inch long.
  • She loves ice cubes.
  • She likes ice– cream.

Jj Sentences

Jj Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • We buy a new jug.
  • I left in June.
  • Tasty fruit juice.
  • White empty jar.
  • Big green jeep.
  • Sweet strawberry jam.

Kk Sentences

Kk Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • The kid’s world.
  • New colorful kite.
  • A bunch of keys.
  • Cute baby kitten.
  • Brand new kitchen.
  • New red and blue kettle.

Ll Sentences

Ll Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • Big antique lamp.
  • He draws a lorry.
  • She draws a love.
  • I lock the door.
  • He fed the lamb.
  • We lit the match.

Mm Sentences

Mm Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • He asks me for money.
  • I saw the full moon.
  • The monkey has a long tail.
  • The mat is colorful.
  • I have a new mouse.
  • She has a big mouth.

Nn Sentences

Nn Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • Squirrel like nuts.
  • This is number nine.
  • She has a small nose.
  • I wrote a note.
  • She is a nurse.
  • This is a fishnet.

Oo Sentences

Oo Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • The owl is sitting on the tree.
  • I like sweet oranges.
  • The ox is strong.
  • Ostrich has a long neck.
  • Oat is good food.
  • They are 2 old friends.

Pp Sentences

Pp Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • I love the blue pen.
  • The pot is expensive.
  • I posted the gift.
  • Please, pour the water.
  • It is a bitter pill.
  • He is a poor man.

Qq Sentences

Qq Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • I met the queen at the palace.
  • Quail meat is delicious.
  • Please be quiet!
  • He enters a quarter-final.
  • They quarrel.
  • He ran very quickly.

Rr Sentences

Rr Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • The Rat is dirty.
  • Dad installs a new roof.
  • We color the spot red.
  • He gave her red roses.
  • This is my robot.
  • I study in my room.

Ss Sentences

Ss Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • I like chicken soup.
  • I play with snow.
  • I am so sad.
  • Have a seat, please!
  • I slide at the park.
  • Snake is poisonous.

Tt Sentences

Tt Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • Close the tap.
  • Roll the tire.
  • A turtle swims underwater.
  • Wear a red tie.
  • Tiger eats meat.
  • The train stopped.

Uu Sentences

Uu Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • She buys an umbrella.
  • This is the universe.
  • Raj is now at university.
  • He plays the ukulele.
  • He is my uncle.
  • I sit under a tree.

Vv Sentences

Vv Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • A red van is on the road.
  • She plays the violin.
  • She wears a vest.
  • Mom buys a new vase.
  • Let’s vote!
  • This is my village.

Ww Sentences

Ww Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • A whale is a mammal.
  • Save water every day.
  • This is my wallet.
  • They walk to the park.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Cut the wood.

Xx Sentences

Xx Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • This is my x-ray.
  • My new xylophone.
  • He celebrates x-mas.
  • Stop xenophobia!
  • This is a xenon cell.
  • This is a xerox machine.

Yy Sentences

Yy Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • Today I played with yo-yo.
  • I like yellow shirts.
  • I eat yogurt every day.
  • One-year calendar.
  • He likes egg yolk.
  • She loves yoga.

Zz Sentences

Zz Sentences - A-Z Sentences Writing For Kids

  • Better zip your jacket.
  • He got a zero for math.
  • We visited the zoo.
  • Zombies never exist.
  • Zebra lives in Savanah.
  • This is a zigzag arrow.

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