Why Nature Loves Hexagons (featuring Infinite Series!)

In geometry, the hexagon is defined as a polygon that has 6 sides. If we glance at a hexagon in two-dimensional shape it will have 6 sides,6 vertices, and 6 angles. It fits mutually with no gaps which are ordinarily known as tessellations.

In our daily life, there is numerous hexagon which was created by nature. From patterns on fruit skins, snowflakes as well as honeycombs. Another example of the natural hexagon is basalt rocks in gaint highway and Insect eyes also form the Hexagonal shape! More interestingly it is the molecular formula of carbon!


Why Nature loves Hexagon?

To minimize the perimeter of the area it turns out a hexagon! It is best than circles and squares as it was more space-filling with fewer edges. Circles and squares put gaps when 2 or 3 squares or circles come together.

One theory also demonstrates if we want to pack cells of all with the same shape and size with fill all the flat plane then everyone would be preferred a Hexagon!

According to the specialist, 120 degrees is the most mechanically stable arrangement for each shape on earth because forces on the edges are all balanced.

They pulled the force of tension in equal in all directions which is the most mechanically stable position. After repeating the hexagon in a number of ways with no wasted energy and neither wasted space.

Hexagon appears with remarkable frequency in the world. hexagon is the most proper and for convenience and strength.

Hexagon shapes make it more comfortable to join the two halves with one point in the actual Center. A common example of this is the pencil.it also allows the manufacturer to pack in more pencils per volume.

The shape of the hexagon is much similar to a circle than a square so you suffered less bias. The clouds we see are not just regular clouds when we pay the attention to the clouds it’s a hexagon!

Even planet Saturn each side of Saturn’s hexagon is longer than the diameter of the earth.

The arrangement between the wall junction of the hexagon is 120 degrees and it’s very easy to rearrange the shape of the hexagon.

The appearance of a bubble takes a hexagonal shape when two or more bubbles combine together. The one shape that makes fewer compartments with more stuff. And it mechanically stable as well.

How do bees build hexagonal honeycombs?

Bees first build the square shape while forming a honeycomb. As honey is soft in nature due to surface tension it deforms and forms a hexagonal shape. It fills the plane with no gaps between edges. The temperature of the shape forms the hexagonal shape due to their compression by six closest neighbors in the packed arrangement of cells

There are numerous examples in nature such as honeycomb, insect eyes, humble snowflakes, cover curved surface even the lady figure we eat its cut is of shape hexagon. The rocks we saw in daily life form a hexagonal shape.

The shape above the skin of the snake is the shape of a hexagon. The segment of pineapple skin is also naturally hexagon in shape.

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