Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet

These sight words drawing and coloring kindergarten practice worksheets help your child to recognize sight words and develop their creativity simultaneously.

We have described in our previous kindergarten worksheets about sight words. Sight words are those words that occur the most in a sentence. Kindergarten children are encouraged to memorize these words so that they don’t have to learn them all over again and can recognize them just by looking at them.

Some examples of sight words are- an, are, a, at, and, after, all, in, on, after, for, from, be, but, could, can, do, did, find, first, go, get, he, his, her, has, have had, how, if, I, into, just, know, like, little, may, etc.


What does this worksheet include?

These free printable Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheets are further divided into 6 separate worksheets. Each worksheet comprises 4 sentences from which a kindergarten child has to spot the sight word and color them, then draw the sentence in the blank box given along each sentence.

You’ll learn:

These free printable Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheets will help your kindergarten child in learning the sight word recognition skill. He will be able to spot the sight words in a much easier manner. These worksheets are very helpful in a kindergarten child’s understanding of colors and where to apply them.

This boosts their drawing and coloring skills along with learning vocabulary development. This leads to brain sharpening and the development of critical abilities in a child.

How to use this worksheet

Our Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheets can be used effectively and efficiently with a proper strategy. This worksheet helps you know where your kindergarten kid stands in recognizing the sight words and their command understanding skills. Evaluating them regularly will help a lot in keeping track of their progress. Make kindergarten kids practice sight words consistently and then give these worksheets to practice upon.

You can also give these worksheets as tests to your kindergartener. These printable worksheets are easily accessible and are of great help for the vocabulary improvement of your child.

Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet

Download worksheet pdf

Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet-1


Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet-2


Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet-3


Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet-4


Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet-5


Color and Draw Words Kindergarten Practice Worksheet-6


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