When to use “me”, “myself” and “I”

When to use “me”, “myself” and “I”

Welcome back student, while studying English grammar you might have come across these words- ‘me’, ‘myself’, and ‘I’. Do you know what these words actually mean and where are they used? In this lesson you will learn about the grammatical identity of these words and their usage in the sentences.

Pronouns: do you know them?

Dear student, you might have heard about ‘pronoun’ while studying English grammar do you know what are pronouns? Pronouns are the words that are used in the place of noun for example they, he, she etc. The words ‘me’, ‘myself’ and ‘I’ are the examples of pronouns. Now let us study more about their sub types and usage.

The game of subject and object

Dear student, you might know that subject and object are the major composition of a sentence. The subject is the one acting or playing a specific role on a sentence and the object is the one the subject is acting upon. For example, if you say I am writing a letter here ‘I’ is the subject or the actor, ‘writing’ is the verb and ‘letter ‘is the object on which the subject is acting.

The word ‘I’ is the subject pronoun

The word ‘me’ is the object pronoun

The word ‘myself’ is the reflexive pronoun

However, the words ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘Myself’ have apparently the same meaning but grammatically they are used in different places.


1. I am studying (where ‘I’ is the subject)

2. This is written by me (where ‘me’ is the object)

‘myself’ is used as an object but in that case the subject of the sentence should be ‘I’

Example: I am doing this for myself. (‘I’ is the subject and ‘myself’ is the object)

Now, I think the difference of the three words and their usage is clear, start using them and framing sentences using them.

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