Why do wolves live in packs?



  • Wolves consist of two species, the grey wolf and the timber wolf.
  • They belong to the canine family of dogs also known as the Canidae family.
  • Animals belonging to this family are also known as canids.
  • The typical canine animals tend to be slender long-leg animals with muzzles, bushy tails and erect pointed ears.
  • Some common animals included in the Canidae family along with wolves are foxes, dogs, jackals, etc.
  • Canines are carnivores in nature, that is they belong to the category of animals that other animals for their sustenance.
  • They are the largest community of non-domestic animals of the Canidae family.
  • The average size of wolves ranges from three feet long to five feet long, with a typical weight ranging from 60 pounds to 145 pounds.
  • In today’s world, wolves are primarily found in the regions of Alaska, northern Idaho, northeast Oregon, etc. in the United States.

There is a speciality of wolves which is pretty much what they’re known for. It’s the fact that they like to live in packs. But what can be the reason behind it? Let’s find out. 

  • Wolves are known to live in packs.
  • Typically a pack has an adult male and an adult female, who are essentially the leaders. Their offsprings form the remaining members of the wolf pack or family.
  • The normal range of pack members is about six to nine members.
  • Wolves like to live in packs as it is hugely beneficial in hunting large animals.
  • Living in a large group also helps intimidated other animals keeps them safe in the wild.  Hunting in groups allows them to have the upper hand while hunting an animal.

Fun Facts:

  1. Female wolves are about 20% smaller than males on average.
  2. Wolves found in the northern region are typically slightly larger than the wolves found in the southern region.

Related Questions:

  1. What is a carnivore?
  2. Which family does the wolf belong to?
  3. What are the social dynamics in a wolf pack?

True or False:

  1. Wolves belong to the canine family.
  2. Wolves are herbivores in nature.
  3. Male wolves are slightly smaller than female wolves.
  4. Wolves are the largest community of the non-domestic animals of the Canidae family.
  5. Animals belonging to the Canidae family are called candid.

Objective Quiz:

  1. There are ______ types of wolves.
    1. Two.
    2. Three.
    3. Four.
    4. Five.
  2. Wolves belong to the ________ family.
    1. Canidae.
    2. Cabdy.
    3. Candy.
    4. Canidus.
  3. In today’s time, wolves are found in the regions of ______.
    1. Alaska.
    2. Northeast Oregon.
    3. Both 1) and 2).
    4. None of the above.
  4. Other animals included in the canine family are ______.
    1. Fox and dog.
    2. Shark and crow.
    3. Eagle and ant.
    4. Goat and buffalo.
  5. Wolves are known to live in _______.
    1. Packs.
    2. Solo.
    3. Couple.
    4. None of the above.

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