Subject and Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Every sentence written or spoken in the English language has a subject and a verb. A subject is defined as a part of a sentence that contains the person or the thing performing any given action in the sentence. The verb is the action word. Thus, in the sentence; Sam joined the party, Sam would be the subject, and ‘joined’ is the verb. It is essential that subjects and verbs agree with each other in a sentence. If a subject is singular, the verb must be plural and if the subject is plural the verb must be singular. There are some exceptions to the rules too but we’ll discuss it later on.

Subject and Verbs Practice Worksheet

This week, we bring to you this ‘Subject and Verbs printable Worksheet’ for you to help your students distinguish between a subject and a verb in a sentence. The worksheet contains several exercises for kids to familiarize themselves with verbs and subjects. Given below in each sheet are several sentences. Students are to read these carefully and then circle the subject and underline the verbs in the sentences. The first one is done for their convenience.

Subject and Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Ask the students to write down their name, section, teacher’s name, and the date properly in the space provided at the top of each sheet, before attempting the questions. The exercise is relatively easy so feel free to make it more challenging by making the activity time-based. Ask your students to quickly attempt all the questions and submit them to you within half an hour. Do guide them if they need assistance.

Subject and Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

It is essential to know a subject and a verb as these dictate several rules in English grammar. Without its knowledge, it is not possible for one to gain proficiency in the language. Browse our website for more exercises on the topic to help your students with more questions to practice.

Subject and Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

This is the final sheet on this worksheet. Download, print, and provide the students with these to get started.

Subject and Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Worksheets are effective in educating kids. These allow students to practice and exercise the topics and challenge them in order to help them retain what has been taught in class. With the help of our ‘Subject and verb printable worksheets’ first graders would be able to understand and distinguish between a subject and a verb in no time at all. What are you waiting for? Download the worksheet and get started now!

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