Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Hey there viewers! This week in this edition of our worksheets, we bring to you this worksheet to get your students started with learning the proper use of verbs and their forms. Verbs are action words. There are words that suggest action is taking place. Almost every sentence has a verb and a subject. In this worksheet, we have several exercises for students to learn about the correct verb forms that are used in most of the sentences that we write.

The exercises consist of questions that discuss the different verb forms of ‘be’. Be is the verb form in its present tense. It refers to the time in the present. Similarly, is, are, am, are all present forms of ‘be’. There are some rules regarding the use of each of these verb forms. We can only use ‘am’ with first-person singular (I). Similarly, ‘are’ is used only with second person and plurals (You, they). Finally, ‘is’ is used with the third person singular such as ‘he’, ‘she’, and ‘it’.

Verb’s Usage Practice Worksheet

In the following exercises, students have to read the sentences carefully and fill in the space with suitable verb forms. They’ll also need to circle the correct verb forms for each sentence from the ones given in the brackets.

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

It is necessary that before attempting these exercises, students have a basic understanding and knowledge of tenses since we need to discuss the verb forms of the word that we use to refer to the past tense. ‘Was’ is the verb form used for the singular verb form such as I. he, she, and it, in the past tense.  On the other hand, ‘were’ is used for plurals such as ‘we’, ‘you’, and ‘they’ to refer to the past tense.

In the following exercises, students need to mark a tick above the correct verb form and fill it in the space provided.

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

In the next exercise, students have to read the sentences and bubble the correct verb form for each sentences with red crayons.

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1

Use of Verbs Printable Worksheets for Grade 1It is essential to learn the different verb forms of different verbs since it constitutes a large part of written text. It is necessary for one to use the correct form since the use of the wrong one would be wrong grammatically. Download, print and distribute the worksheets to get started. For more similar worksheets, be sure to visit our website where we have several flashcards, worksheets, and more for your help.

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